How to Make a Bookshelf in Minecraft

Author: Anthony

To start, you are going to need some paper. You will need 3 pieces of sugar cane per sheet of paper.

How to Make a Bookshelf in Minecraft 1

Next you are going to need to construct the books. Each book will require 3 sheets of paper and 1 piece of leather.

How to Make a Bookshelf in Minecraft 2

If you don't have any already, you are going to need wood planks to construct the shelves. Use logs to construct the wood planks.

How to Make a Bookshelf in Minecraft 3

How to Make a Bookshelf in Minecraft - Final Step

For each bookshelf you make, you will need 3 books and 6 planks. Multiply this by the number of bookshelves you want to make to determine the resources required.

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Learn more here: How to Make a Bookshelf in Minecraft